Source code for refcycle.i_directed_graph

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Abstract base class for the various flavours of directed graph.

import abc
from collections import Counter, deque
from import Container, Iterable, Sized

[docs] class IDirectedGraph(Container, Iterable, Sized): """ Abstract base class for directed graphs. """ @abc.abstractproperty def vertices(self): """ Return a collection of the vertices of the graph. The collection should support iteration and rapid containment testing. """ @abc.abstractproperty def edges(self): """ Return a collection of the edges of the graph. The collection should support iteration and rapid containment testing. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def head(self, edge): """ Return the head (target, destination) of the given edge. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def tail(self, edge): """ Return the tail (source) of the given edge. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def out_edges(self, vertex): """ Return an iterable of the edges leaving the given vertex. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def in_edges(self, vertex): """ Return an iterable of the edges entering the given vertex. """
@abc.abstractproperty def full_subgraph(self, vertices): """ Return the subgraph of this graph whose vertices are the given ones and whose edges are all the edges of the original graph between those vertices. """
[docs] @classmethod def vertex_set(cls): """ Return an empty object suitable for storing a set of vertices. Usually a plain set will suffice, but for the ObjectGraph we'll use an ElementTransformSet instead. """ return set()
[docs] @classmethod def vertex_dict(cls): """ Return an empty mapping whose keys are vertices. Usually a plain dict is good enough; for the ObjectGraph we'll override to use KeyTransformDict instead. """ return dict()
[docs] @classmethod def vertex_equal(cls, vertex1, vertex2): """ Criterion to use to determine whether two vertices are equal. Usually we want to use simple equality here, but the for the ObjectGraph we'll need to use identity. """ return vertex1 == vertex2
def __len__(self): """ Number of vertices in the graph. """ return len(self.vertices) def __iter__(self): """ Generate objects of graph. """ yield from self.vertices def __contains__(self, vertex): """ Return True if vertex is a vertex of the graph, else False. """ return vertex in self.vertices def __repr__(self): return "<{}.{} object of size {} at 0x{:x}>".format( self.__module__, type(self).__name__, len(self), id(self), )
[docs] def children(self, vertex): """ Return the list of immediate children of the given vertex. """ return [self.head(edge) for edge in self.out_edges(vertex)]
[docs] def parents(self, vertex): """ Return the list of immediate parents of this vertex. """ return [self.tail(edge) for edge in self.in_edges(vertex)]
[docs] def references(self): """ Return (tail, head) pairs for each edge in the graph. """ return [(tail, head) for tail in self.vertices for head in self.children(tail)]
[docs] def descendants(self, start, generations=None): """ Return the subgraph of all nodes reachable from the given start vertex, including that vertex. If specified, the optional `generations` argument specifies how many generations to limit to. """ visited = self.vertex_set() visited.add(start) to_visit = deque([(start, 0)]) while to_visit: vertex, depth = to_visit.popleft() if depth == generations: continue for child in self.children(vertex): if child not in visited: visited.add(child) to_visit.append((child, depth + 1)) return self.full_subgraph(visited)
[docs] def ancestors(self, start, generations=None): """ Return the subgraph of all nodes from which the given vertex is reachable, including that vertex. If specified, the optional `generations` argument specifies how many generations to limit to. """ visited = self.vertex_set() visited.add(start) to_visit = deque([(start, 0)]) while to_visit: vertex, depth = to_visit.popleft() if depth == generations: continue for parent in self.parents(vertex): if parent not in visited: visited.add(parent) to_visit.append((parent, depth + 1)) return self.full_subgraph(visited)
[docs] def shortest_path(self, start, end): """ Find a shortest path from start to end. Returns the subgraph consisting of the vertices in that path and (all) the edges between them. Raises ValueError if no path from start to end exists. """ # Vertices whose children are yet to be explored. to_visit = deque([start]) # Mapping from each child to the parent that it was first found via. # We map the start vertex to a dummy object. dummy = object() explored = self.vertex_dict() explored[start] = dummy # Breadth-first search, rooted at ``start``. while to_visit: if end in explored: break parent = to_visit.popleft() for child in self.children(parent): if child not in explored: explored[child] = parent to_visit.append(child) else: raise ValueError("No path found.") # Backtrack to construct vertices of path. vertex = end path = [] while vertex is not dummy: path.append(vertex) vertex = explored[vertex] return self.full_subgraph(path)
[docs] def shortest_cycle(self, start): """ Find a shortest cycle including start. Returns the subgraph consisting of the vertices in that cycle and (all) the edges between them. Raises ValueError if no cycle including start exists. """ # Vertices whose children are yet to be explored. to_visit = deque([start]) # Mapping from each child to the parent that it was first found via. explored = self.vertex_dict() # Breadth-first search, rooted at ``start``. while to_visit: if start in explored: break parent = to_visit.popleft() for child in self.children(parent): if child not in explored: explored[child] = parent to_visit.append(child) else: raise ValueError("No path found.") # Backtrack to construct vertices of path. vertex = start path = [] while True: path.append(vertex) vertex = explored[vertex] if self.vertex_equal(vertex, start): break return self.full_subgraph(path)
def _component_graph(self): """ Compute the graph of strongly connected components. Each strongly connected component is itself represented as a list of pairs, giving information not only about the vertices belonging to this strongly connected component, but also the edges leading from this strongly connected component to other components. Each pair is of the form ('EDGE', v) or ('VERTEX', v) for some vertex v. In the first case, that indicates that there's an edge from this strongly connected component to the given vertex v (which will belong to another component); in the second, it indicates that v is a member of this strongly connected component. Each component will begin with a vertex (the *root* vertex of the strongly connected component); the following edges are edges from that vertex. Algorithm is based on that described in "Path-based depth-first search for strong and biconnected components" by Harold N. Gabow, Inf.Process.Lett. 74 (2000) 107--114. """ sccs = [] stack = [] boundaries = [] identified = self.vertex_set() index = self.vertex_dict() to_do = [] def visit_vertex(v): index[v] = len(stack) stack.append(("VERTEX", v)) boundaries.append(index[v]) to_do.append((leave_vertex, v)) to_do.extend((visit_edge, w) for w in self.children(v)) def visit_edge(v): if v in identified: stack.append(("EDGE", v)) elif v in index: while index[v] < boundaries[-1]: boundaries.pop() else: to_do.append((visit_vertex, v)) def leave_vertex(v): if boundaries[-1] == index[v]: root = boundaries.pop() scc = stack[root:] del stack[root:] for item_type, w in scc: if item_type == "VERTEX": identified.add(w) del index[w] sccs.append(scc) stack.append(("EDGE", v)) # Visit every vertex of the graph. for v in self.vertices: if v not in identified: to_do.append((visit_vertex, v)) while to_do: operation, v = to_do.pop() operation(v) stack.pop() return sccs
[docs] def source_components(self): """ Return the strongly connected components not reachable from any other component. Any component in the graph is reachable from one of these. """ raw_sccs = self._component_graph() # Construct a dictionary mapping each vertex to the root of its scc. vertex_to_root = self.vertex_dict() # And keep track of which SCCs have incoming edges. non_sources = self.vertex_set() # Build maps from vertices to roots, and identify the sccs that *are* # reachable from other components. for scc in raw_sccs: root = scc[0][1] for item_type, w in scc: if item_type == "VERTEX": vertex_to_root[w] = root elif item_type == "EDGE": non_sources.add(vertex_to_root[w]) sccs = [] for raw_scc in raw_sccs: root = raw_scc[0][1] if root not in non_sources: sccs.append([v for vtype, v in raw_scc if vtype == "VERTEX"]) return [self.full_subgraph(scc) for scc in sccs]
[docs] def strongly_connected_components(self): """ Return list of strongly connected components of this graph. Returns a list of subgraphs. Algorithm is based on that described in "Path-based depth-first search for strong and biconnected components" by Harold N. Gabow, Inf.Process.Lett. 74 (2000) 107--114. """ raw_sccs = self._component_graph() sccs = [] for raw_scc in raw_sccs: sccs.append([v for vtype, v in raw_scc if vtype == "VERTEX"]) return [self.full_subgraph(scc) for scc in sccs]
[docs] def count_by(self, classifier): """ Return a count of objects using the given classifier. Here `classifier` should be a callable that accepts a single object from the graph and returns the "class" of that object, which should be a hashable value. Returns a collections.Counter instance mapping classes to counts. """ return Counter(classifier(obj) for obj in self)
[docs] def find_by(self, predicate): """ Return a list of all objects satisfying the given predicate. Here `predicate` should be a callable that accepts a single object from the graph and returns a value that can be interpreted as a boolean. """ return [obj for obj in self if predicate(obj)]
def __sub__(self, other): """ Return the full subgraph containing all vertices in self except those in other. """ difference = [v for v in self.vertices if v not in other.vertices] return self.full_subgraph(difference) def __and__(self, other): """ Return the intersection of the two graphs. Returns the full subgraph of self on the intersection of self.vertices and other.vertices. Note that this operation is not necessarily symmetric, though in the common case where both self and other are already full subgraphs of a larger graph, it will be. """ intersection = [v for v in self.vertices if v in other.vertices] return self.full_subgraph(intersection)